Emergency Dial 9-1-1


Benefit for Chase Dolgos Continued...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

On May 3rd at approximately 6:30 pm, members from the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company and the Kent & Queen-Anne's Rescue Squad took apparatus to the Dolgos Family residence and presented Chase Dolgos with a Check for $9147.63. This Check was made up of donations and pit beef sales from the Pit Beef benefit held 2 weekends prior for Chase Dolgos, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Chase Dolgos Father (John Dolgos) and Grandfather (Alex Dolgos) are members of the KQARS and it brought great joy and pleasure to be able to help off-set some of the expenses during such a difficult time. We thank everyone who attended the benefit and the local agencies/businesses who sponsored the benefit!

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